St. John Bosco Community College | Coláiste Pobail Naomh Eoin Bosco
Educating through friendship and understanding.
St. John Bosco Community College is an inclusive school both in our intake and in the curriculum which we provide. We aim to provide the highest standard of education for all our students. We aim to create a caring atmosphere where students are encouraged and helped to develop their unique gifts and talents.
Our core aim is the provision of an educational experience that is life enhancing for all, both student and teacher, a school that together with the home provides a happy environment where the Christian spirit is nurtured, the dignity of the individual is cherished, where diligence, courtesy, participation and respected are fostered and the code of behaviour is implemented for the good of the individual.
This statement is based on core values:
Our school is a welcoming, secure and challenging learning environment.
Education is a partnership between school, parents/guardians and students.
Our purpose is to develop each pupil’s confidence, potential and moral values.
The importance and value of all members of the school community should be at the heart of all decisions and actions.
Every child in our care is entitled to learn in an environment, which is happy, caring and stimulating, where each individual can learn without fear of bullying or physical abuse, and where consideration, courtesy and respect is shown to all people at all times, in the context of a caring ethos.