
St. John Bosco Community College | Coláiste Pobail Naomh Eoin Bosco

Educating through friendship and understanding.


St. John Bosco Community College

Coláiste Pobail Naomh Eoin Bosco

Educating through friendship and understanding.

Board of Management

Board of Management Members

Cllr. Mary Howard-LCETB Nominee (Chairperson)
Mr. Gerard Kelly- LCETB Nominee
Mr Oliver Garry- LCETB Nominee
Ms. Mairin Meaney- Parent Nominee
Mr. Manus McGee- Parent Nominee
Ms. Bernie Haugh- Staff Nominee
Mr. Darragh Gregan- Staff Nominee
Sr. Patricia Murtagh- Trustee Nominee
Ms. Mairead Doohan- Trustee Nominee
Deirdre Convey- Recording Secretary
Denis O Rourke- Secretary